Fish Tacos of Death

"Perch ye on this bed of crumbs." -- The CrumbMaster

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Treat yourself to perfect pancakes

Giggle giggle...

Giggle giggle giggly giggle...

All right, I got all the giggles out. Is it Christmas yet? Is there really a "WAR ON CHRISTMAS?" Or is it just a bunch of baloney? Donald Trump seems to think there is a WAR ON CHRISTMAS. My 10th grade self seemed to think there was a WAR ON CHRISTMAS. I seem to doubt, nowadays, that there is any such thing. Or maybe there is, and I just don't care. That's how crazy and destructive this war is. So crazy that I just don't care. So what if someone says "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas?" So what if someone says "merry christmas?" So what if anyone says anything? At all? Who cares what anyone else does? How does it affect us? Why are we always getting offended at things? No, I don't mean, why are people always getting offended about "merry christmas" because I don't think people are really getting offended by "merry christmas." I mean, why are people always getting offended about the possibility that people are getting offended by "merry christmas?" AM I MAKING ENOUGH SENSE? SHOULD I SLAP SOME SENSE INTO YOU? SHOULD I INJECT SOME SENSE INTO YOUR VERTEBRAL ARTERY? Just stop getting offended. About everything. Stop getting offended about "happy holidays." Stop getting offended about "merry christmas." Stop getting offended about people getting offended. Just stop. All of you. Now.

Well, if we're not getting offended about something, then what should we be doing, you may be asking. We've spent our whole lives trying to be offended by things. Now we don't have anything else to do. Here's what you do. Find an issue that actually matters and educate yourself about it. Read books about it. Read books about historical events. Learn truth from books. Get off your little garbage news sites and internet comment threads where most people get their information about reality. Don't be like those people. If you will do that, you will be more educated than Donald Trump. Crazy, right? Can you believe that? MORE EDUCATED THAN THE PRESIDENT. Donny Trump learns about his world through Twitter, through his garbage conservative news web sites, through the cesspool of false information that is social media. Don't be like Trump. Go read a book.

Well what about you Horton, you say. You're just sitting there writing a WORLD WIDE WEB LOG. You're not doing anything to enrich your understanding of life and human history. False! I just read a book about the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, and it was one of the most enlightening reads I've had in recent memory. Is the atomic bombing of Nagasaki something important, something you or I should be concerned about? How can it be important, when it's just some crazy event that happened around 70 years ago? We're past all that now, right? Japan and the United States are good buddies, we're all friends, no more nukes, we live happily ever after, the end. No, not the end. These are weapons that we currently possess THOUSANDS of. Can you believe that? Thousands of weapons that can each kill 50,000 humans instantly and wipe out a whole city and then spew deadly radiation into the Earth. Other countries also possess them, in abundance. So what if none have been used against civilians in 70 years? Does that mean it's not a problem? Is it a problem that many were tested in Nevada over the years, resulting in hugely increased rates of cancer for "downwinders?" Does this seem problematic to you? Does it seem weird that our country has engaged in this terribly destructive thing? Does it seem bizarre that our government has tried very hard to cover up all problems associated with nuclear bombs? Does it sound like I'm on some conspiracy rant? Well, I be not. I know what a conspiracy rant is. We faked the moon landing. 9/11 was an inside job. Something about the Illuminati. No. The fact that we possess thousands of weapons that have the potential to destroy humanity is not a conspiracy. It's lunacy, pure and simple. This is something that matters. Not the "War on Christmas" crap.

Well, what can we do about it? Can all we do is complain? Do I come across as a complainer? I hope not. I don't know what to do about it yet. In fact, I feel somewhat hopeless as a civilian. Our president is pretty hell-bent on pissing off North Korea, on building up our military (I thought we already had a pretty massive military), and doing his darndest to try and get us in a war with somebody. Sure, America first, I get it. We need to be well defended. But set an example, man. Nuclear disarmament. Do something about it. Get off twitter. Stop wasting your time defunding science research.

The end.


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