It would seem an odd thing, but it is true, that I ate a Del Taco fish taco the other day (as well as a shrimp taco), and then I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning, or something, because my stomach has been hurting ever since, and I have severe digestive issues. That was all one sentence. This experience is the very reason why this blog exists. Thanks for reading. Comments? Questions? Pancakes? Anything you just want to get off your chest? Anything that you wives out there just HATE about your husbands but are too afraid to tell them? Spill it out on here, anonymously, and I will solve your problems for you.
Thank you for soliciting confessions, because I have several to make. Drumroll please.
1. When I am new to an area, I have a tradition of randomly googling the people in my ward directory.
2. Hence, I have arrived at your blog. I have skimmed quite a few of your posts, and I feel compelled to tell you that I find it quite entertaining because...
3. Two wards ago, I found a blog of one of my ward members and I still read it today and I felt weird every time I saw that girl at church because I felt like we were friends and had lots in common but really I was just a cyberstalker who was too embarrassed to admit it.
4. On an unrelated note, I would like to double dog dare you to eat some day old unrefrigerated pizza hut stuffed crust pizza. If you can handle fish tacos of death, why not give this a whirl? Years ago, my husband and I were trying to book a vacation package online for our honeymoon. We were doing it on a BYU kiosk that logged you off every 10 minutes. It needed a lot of information and we kept getting logged off before our travel plans could be booked. So we started entering the information faster and faster and FASTER and finally managed to book our honeymoon package, but accidentally booked plane tickets that presented a scheduling conflict with our very own luncheon. The customer service department of the online booking service was headquartered in India and was very unresponsive to my threats and manipulation tactics. We still held our luncheon, but just visited with people for a few minutes and didn't get to eat anything before we rushed off to our flight. After the plane landed, we were starving! It was getting late and we ordered the pizza mentioned above (though it was not yet day old or unrefrigerated I presume). We couldn't eat the whole thing but the pizza box didn't fit into our hotel refrigerator so we just left it on top of the fridge. The next day, I wished to trash the pizza but my husband convinced me that he had eaten unrefrigerated day old pizza many times with no ill effects and he was terribly convincing. We ate the pizza and headed to the beach for some relaxation...and then spent the afternoon rushing at breakneck speed away from the beach to find bathrooms for our advanced cases of the cramps. We narrowly avoided disaster several times!! When we moved into our first apartment, we taped a note card to our fridge and wrote at the top "Foods that Kill" and began a list. We have since also added Funfetti and a few other delicacies to the list. For a comprehensive list of "Foods that Kill", just contact me personally. Oh wait, you can't because (A.) your blog is not private (you rock!) and (B.) you allow Anonymous comments (you super rock!!). See you at church on Sunday!
Thank you for your comment, anonymous ward member! That was a delightful story about pizza. I have had day old unrefrigerated pizza in fact, although I don't remember getting sick from it. I am glad my posts are entertaining. You should post more comments. I don't think anyone else even reads this blog anymore.
Oh anonymous ward member, where did you go? Do you still read these? I don't think anybody reads things anymore on here. Welmp, goodbye for now.
Hi Anonymous Ward Member! It's 2019 now. Who are you? Where did you go? Speak! SPEEEEEEAAKK. TELL ME MORE STORIES.
Hi Anonymous ward member. It’s now 2021. You can reveal yourself. The time has fully come!
Hi Anonymous person. It’s now 2022. Who are you? Where are you? TELL MEEEEEEEEE.
Anonymous Person, the time has fully come, which has been prophesied by all the holy prophets of old. Now show your face. I command it.
Hi Anonymous Person - it's now been 9 years since you posted your comment. So I'd like for you to reveal yourself. What's the harm? I haven't been in that ward in years now. It's highly unlikely that I even would remember you. Although I have some inkling of who you are. Or maybe I'm dead wrong. "Dead wrong." Now that's a great name for a book. About a guy who thinks he's dead. But he's actually not. I don't know how that would even work. I'll think about it a bit and get back to you. Okay, laters.
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