Fish Tacos of Death

"Perch ye on this bed of crumbs." -- The CrumbMaster

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Location: Hell, Michigan, United States

I like birds

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

You stay in the cage.

“Get out here you dumb dog!” Howard mutters, grabbing at you. But he can’t reach you. So he uses his little “reacher” stick, which he clamps on your nose, then drags you out. This is a fairly common ritual in this house. But it’s okay, because you’re part of the family! He opens the back door and you run out into the yard to do your dirty sinful business. Right in Betty’s petunia patch! JENKINS!
“Stupid dog!” yells Howard. This is the ninth time this week you’ve done this. To most people, doggy poop in the flower garden is beneficial and helps things to grow. But Howard and Betty don’t see it this way. You’ve crossed the line buddy.

You try to redeem yourself by cuddling up against Howard’s leg, but this backfires when Howard stumbles over you and loses his footing. He crashes to the ground. “Owwww,” he moans, clutching his left hip and writhing around on the ground. “I think I broke something! Betty!" he yells. "Betty! Help! Stupid dog! Betty, help! I can’t get up!”

As this is happening, you walk up to Howard and try to help in the only way you can... by licking his face. Howard slaps you away. You yelp. "YELP!" you yelp. Is that what a yelp sounds like? Then you go and hide in the corner of the garden.

"Bad dog!" scolds Betty, pointing at you. You tuck your tail in between your legs. You're very ashamed.

Betty calls 911. The ambulance comes and takes Howard away on a stretcher. Betty locks you outside in the backyard, then she leaves to go to the hospital with Howard. Now you’re alone in the backyard. You wander around aimlessly for a couple hours, looking for something to do. You find a gate on the side of the house that has been left slightly ajar.


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