I figured I better write at some point and talk about my marriage, since I never seem to mention that in my blogs.
It was pretty weird at first, but the change of hardly ever seeing my parents (despite the fact that they live about five miles away), and most of my friends anymore, has passed, for the most part. I love being with Emily, and now that her new work schedule has freed her for six days a week, rather than three, I'm happy.
Our condo is kind of a mess right now. I was in the "must look perfectly clean" state for a week or two after we were married, but that's worn off. We got Rock Band last week, so that's made for a grand time the past several days. I have a band called "The Spleens," led by pretty-boy Chuck Vanilla. He plays the guitar, looks like a hippie, and has the sweetest lamb-chops ever.
School isn't too difficult, and I didn't fall behind too much for missing my first Tuesday of classes. Pardon me for thinking that the "TR" on my schedule just stood for "THURSDAY," not "TUESDAY & THURSDAY". Jerks. How is anybody supposed to know that?
I enjoy reading, something that started this past summer. Because of it, my "intro to literature" class is pretty enjoyable, more so than it would've been had I been taking it in high school or something. As you can tell from my last blog, Young Goodman Brown was a fun read, and made even more fun by the fact that I UNDERSTOOD IT. Even despite Nate Hawthorne's ancient biblical wording. I don't think I had ever been more excited, than I was the day after I read it, to share my thoughts about it in class. This is pretty weird to say all this, since it's a book about devil worship and everything, heh heh. I'm just happy that I understood it, because I usually don't comprehend what I read, especially 19th century literature.
Last night, I relaxed with my dear wife at my parents house. We ate egg rolls and watched Arrested Development and Forrest Gump. Mmm. A good combination.
What are we gonna do today? Hmm...go fly kites. Go eat Thai food. Go swimming. And...oh yeah...make Wingers' Sticky Fingers. Mmmm. Hooray for Labor Day!
The end.
Emily took this
the Motherland