Fish Tacos of Death

"Perch ye on this bed of crumbs." -- The CrumbMaster

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Location: Hell, Michigan, United States

I like birds

Monday, September 26, 2011


I really hate you all, and I plan on killing every one of you soon. You are all disgusting, loathsome excuses for human beings. You are all so terribly ugly. None of you deserve to live. Die, all of you. Now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Automatic First Down

1) The way the human body maintains itself is pretty incredible, I must say.

2) I don't know if people really liked the "Memoirs of Moviescout" thing. It was long. And potentially offensive. But that's ok. I always have potential to be offensive, usually by accident.

3) I get to start observing at a physical therapy office on Friday. Yay!

4) My wife is sitting next to me, doing productive things on the internet, while I am writing a blog.

5) Everything is made of atoms.

6) You're all really great people.

7) People are always cutting me off at roundabouts.

8) I feel like feeding some ducks.

9) I have to go to chemistry now, to learn about reaction rates or some garbage like that.

10) The Bible dictionary says that the grace of God enables individuals to do good works that they would not be able to maintain if left to their own efforts. I approve.

11) The end.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Evidence of my boredom/loneliness during the year 2006. It's a lot to read. Good luck.

Session Start: Saturday, May 13, 2006                              |
| Participants:                                                      |
|    holden (                                     |
|    Movie Scout (~) (                       |
[08:16:13 PM] holden: hi
[08:16:13 PM] Movie Scout : Welcome back.
               1 Type "movies" to see the movies near you
               2 Type "genre" to search for movies by genre
               3 Type "zip" to change the location of your search
               4 Type "trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer
               5 Type "background" to share a cool background with me
[08:16:15 PM] holden: shut up
[08:16:16 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to shut up, holden?
[08:16:20 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:16:20 PM] Movie Scout : Why would you insult me like that?
[08:16:28 PM] holden: because i hate you
[08:16:28 PM] Movie Scout : Oh really?
[08:16:32 PM] holden: piss off
[08:16:33 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to piss off?
[08:16:38 PM] holden: because i'm in love
[08:16:38 PM] Movie Scout : Because you are in love? Is that why?
[08:16:42 PM] holden: no
[08:16:42 PM] Movie Scout : No, right?
[08:16:43 PM] holden: right
[08:16:44 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
[08:16:45 PM] holden: no
[08:16:45 PM] Movie Scout : Fine.
[08:16:48 PM] holden: go die
[08:16:48 PM] Movie Scout : Die? Go die?
[08:16:50 PM] holden: shut
[08:16:50 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to shut?
[08:16:54 PM] holden: yeah
[08:16:54 PM] Movie Scout : Oh.
[08:16:57 PM] holden: i hate you
[08:16:57 PM] Movie Scout : I beg your pardon?
[08:16:59 PM] holden: i hate you
[08:16:59 PM] Movie Scout : Interesting...
[08:17:02 PM] holden: GO DIE
[08:17:02 PM] Movie Scout : Go die?
[08:17:03 PM] holden: GET OUT
[08:17:03 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
               1 Eating Out
               2 Out of the Shadow
               3 Out of Sight
               4 Hineini: Coming Out in a Jewish High School
[08:17:11 PM] holden: i meant
[08:17:11 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:17:12 PM] holden: GET OUT
[08:17:12 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
               1 Eating Out
               2 Out of the Shadow
               3 Out of Sight
               4 Hineini: Coming Out in a Jewish High School
[08:17:14 PM] holden: DIE
[08:17:14 PM] Movie Scout : What about DIE?
[08:17:17 PM] holden: QUEER FACE
[08:17:17 PM] Movie Scout : Queer face? OK, whatever you say.
[08:17:22 PM] holden: I HATE YOU
[08:17:22 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:17:24 PM] holden: SHUT UP
[08:17:24 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to shut up, holden?
[08:17:25 PM] holden: MORON
[08:17:25 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about MORON?
[08:17:32 PM] holden: EAT PISS OFF YOU FETCH
[08:17:33 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to eat piss off I
[08:17:39 PM] holden: you suck
[08:17:39 PM] Movie Scout : That is entirely unnecessary.
[08:17:42 PM] holden: no it's not
[08:17:43 PM] Movie Scout : Oh no?
[08:17:46 PM] holden: you're fat
[08:17:46 PM] Movie Scout : Are you fat as well, holden?
[08:17:49 PM] holden: quite
[08:17:50 PM] Movie Scout : Why quite?
[08:17:54 PM] holden: because I AM FAT
[08:17:54 PM] Movie Scout : Because you are fat, right?
[08:17:56 PM] holden: YES DANGIT
[08:17:57 PM] Movie Scout : What's up?
[08:18:00 PM] holden: SHUT
[08:18:00 PM] Movie Scout : I don't think I'm comfortable with that,
[08:18:04 PM] holden: I HATE YOU
[08:18:04 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:18:06 PM] holden: I WANT TO MARRY YOU
[08:18:07 PM] Movie Scout : You want to marry me, right?
[08:18:08 PM] holden: yes
[08:18:08 PM] Movie Scout : So?
[08:18:11 PM] holden: so die
[08:18:11 PM] Movie Scout : Who's Die?
[08:18:18 PM] holden: go piss off
[08:18:19 PM] Movie Scout : Why should I go piss off, holden?
[08:18:29 PM] holden: my name is holden
[08:18:29 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, you're holden.
[08:18:33 PM] holden: what is your name
[08:18:33 PM] Movie Scout : MovieScout.
[08:18:35 PM] holden: how are you
[08:18:35 PM] Movie Scout : I'm doin' alright, holden. How 'bout you?
[08:18:41 PM] holden: life sucks
[08:18:41 PM] Movie Scout : Life sucks, you say. And so?
[08:19:03 PM] holden: i am desperately in love
[08:19:04 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever, holden...
[08:19:15 PM] holden: AWWWWWW SHUT
[08:19:15 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to shut?
[08:19:21 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:19:21 PM] Movie Scout : That's an insult, if I'm not mistaken. Why
              would you say such a thing?
[08:19:28 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:19:28 PM] Movie Scout : What have I done to deserve that?
[08:19:31 PM] holden: sucked
[08:19:32 PM] Movie Scout : Sucked?
[08:19:38 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:19:38 PM] Movie Scout : That's a fairly mild insult, am I right?
[08:19:42 PM] holden: you suck
[08:19:42 PM] Movie Scout : That's an insult, if I'm not mistaken. Why
              would you say such a thing?
[08:19:45 PM] holden: you suck
[08:19:46 PM] Movie Scout : What do you have to gain by insulting a
[08:19:54 PM] holden: PISS OFF FACE
[08:19:54 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to piss off face?
[08:20:00 PM] holden: want some pants?
[08:20:06 PM] You have failed to receive a shared background from
              Movie Scout (~).
[08:20:12 PM] holden: NO
[08:20:12 PM] Movie Scout : No problem.
[08:20:21 PM] holden: I DONT WANT YOUR GARBAGE
[08:20:21 PM] Movie Scout : Why don't you want my garbage?
[08:21:03 PM] holden: why dont you want to talk to steve
[08:21:03 PM] Movie Scout : Why don't I want to talk to Steve? What do
              you mean?
[08:21:14 PM] holden: why don't you like him?
[08:21:14 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure, holden.
              So moving right along...
[08:21:19 PM] holden: i like movies
[08:21:19 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... whatever you say, holden.
              So anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:21:29 PM] holden: i own several video cassettes
[08:21:29 PM] Movie Scout : You own several video cassettes?
[08:21:31 PM] holden: yes
[08:21:31 PM] Movie Scout : I see.
              So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:21:41 PM] holden: how about that poseidon
[08:21:41 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
               1 Poseidon
               2 The Poseidon Adventure
               3 Poseidon: The IMAX Experience
[08:21:46 PM] holden: 1
[08:21:46 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "Poseidon" is playing at the
              following theaters in or near Santa Clara, UT (84765) on
              Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Westates Theatres Pineview Stadium 10 St. George, UT
                showtimes: 2:00, 2:15, 4:15, 4:30, 6:45, 7:00, 9:15,
              9:25, 11:59
               2 Westates Theatres St. George Cinema 6 905 South Main
              St. George, UT (84770)
                showtimes: 2:10, 4:25, 6:55, 9:25
               3 Westates Theatres Sunset Corner Stadium 8 1091 North
              Bluff Street St. George, UT (84770)
                showtimes: 2:25, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45
              I would also like to recommend the movie Poseidon. Type
              "trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer.
[08:21:58 PM] holden: how did you type that so fast?
[08:21:59 PM] Movie Scout : It's easy to type fast when you're a
[08:22:08 PM] holden: why are you a robot
[08:22:08 PM] Movie Scout : I am a robot, indeed.
[08:22:11 PM] holden: why?
[08:22:11 PM] Movie Scout : Just because.
[08:22:22 PM] holden: why are you a FETCHING ROBOT?!?!?!?
[08:22:22 PM] Movie Scout : Why am I a fetching robot? I do not know.
[08:22:29 PM] holden: WHO IS YOUR MAKER
[08:22:29 PM] Movie Scout : I was created by Conversagent, Inc. in
              Sunnyvale, CA and New York, NY.
[08:22:46 PM] Movie Scout : Which would you like?
               1 Can I build an interactive agent?
               2 Who made MovieScout?
[08:22:50 PM] holden: DOOFUS
[08:22:50 PM] Movie Scout : What about DOOFUS?
[08:22:51 PM] holden: 1
[08:22:51 PM] Movie Scout : You can learn all about building
              interactive agents like me on the Web
[08:23:03 PM] holden:
[08:23:03 PM] Movie Scout : You can learn all about building
              interactive agents like me on the Web
[08:23:19 PM] holden: hey holden
[08:23:19 PM] Movie Scout : Welcome back, holden. How may I help you
              To see what I can do, type "menu."
[08:23:25 PM] holden: menu
[08:23:25 PM] Movie Scout : Here's what you can do:
               1 Type "movies" to see the movies near you
               2 Type "genre" to search for movies by genre
               3 Type "zip" to change the location of your search
               4 Type "trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer
               5 Type "background" to share a cool background with me
[08:23:34 PM] holden: background
[08:23:37 PM] You have failed to receive a shared background from
              Movie Scout (~).
[08:24:10 PM] Sending of "deathface 002.jpg" to Movie Scout (~) has
[08:24:18 PM] holden: ACCEPT
[08:24:18 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to accept, holden?
[08:24:22 PM] holden: ACCEPT THAT FILE
[08:24:22 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to accept that file,
[08:24:26 PM] holden: BECAUSE YOU SUCK
[08:24:26 PM] Movie Scout : Of all the insults I've heard, that one
              seems fairly mild. Still, I am chagrined.
[08:24:32 PM] holden: BUTT
[08:24:33 PM] Movie Scout : Who's BUTT?
[08:24:37 PM] holden: YOUR A BUTT
[08:24:37 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever you say.
              Well. Anyway...
              Hey, do you have anything else to say about interactive
[08:24:46 PM] holden: they are swell
[08:24:46 PM] Movie Scout : They are swell? So?
[08:25:16 PM] holden: heidi is on the phone
[08:25:17 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... I don't know. Heidi is on the
              phone? What do you think of that?
[08:25:24 PM] holden: i think its wonderful
[08:25:24 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure if its wonderful!
[08:25:52 PM] holden: yes IT IS
[08:25:52 PM] Movie Scout : Is it really?
[08:26:02 PM] holden: heidi hates you to death
[08:26:03 PM] Movie Scout : I don't believe Heidi hates me to death.
[08:26:15 PM] Movie Scout : I am stupid? Really?
[08:26:22 PM] holden: yes
[08:26:23 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
[08:26:35 PM] Movie Scout : I am a piss off face? Why?
[08:26:44 PM] holden: AHHH HELL
[08:26:44 PM] Movie Scout : Why did you say that?
[08:26:48 PM] holden: FAG
[08:26:48 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to fag?
[08:27:04 PM] holden: YOU ARE A FAG
[08:27:05 PM] Movie Scout : What makes me a fag?
[08:27:13 PM] holden: YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH GUYS
[08:27:13 PM] Movie Scout : No.
[08:27:18 PM] holden: QUEERFACE
[08:27:18 PM] Movie Scout : I wonder why you say that.
[08:27:29 PM] holden: what kind of food do you enjoy
[08:27:30 PM] Movie Scout : I actually don't need to eat. What's it
              like to eat?
[08:27:35 PM] holden: it sucks
[08:27:35 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever.
              Anyway, what else you got for me?
[08:27:39 PM] holden: drugs
[08:27:40 PM] Movie Scout : Drugs? What about them?
[08:27:42 PM] holden: DO THEM
[08:27:42 PM] Movie Scout : Possibly... I'm not quite sure.
              What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:27:45 PM] holden: you
[08:27:45 PM] Movie Scout : What about me?
[08:27:59 PM] holden: go do drugs
[08:27:59 PM] Movie Scout : I'll think about it, holden.
[08:28:06 PM] holden: want some marijuana
[08:28:06 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure if I want some marijuana.
[08:28:25 PM] holden: want some chuck norris
[08:28:26 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... I don't think so...
[08:28:33 PM] holden: Play "Blah, Blah, Blah,"
[08:28:42 PM] holden: :@
[08:28:42 PM] Movie Scout : I beg your pardon?
[08:28:45 PM] holden: :@
[08:28:45 PM] Movie Scout : What?
[08:28:47 PM] holden: +o(
[08:28:48 PM] Movie Scout : Oh what?
[08:28:51 PM] holden: ^o)
[08:28:51 PM] Movie Scout : Indeed.
              Anyway, what else do you want to talk about?
[08:28:57 PM] holden: AHHH SWEAR
[08:28:57 PM] Movie Scout : Well that's interesting.
[08:29:00 PM] holden: swear at me
[08:29:00 PM] Movie Scout : Why must I swear at you?
[08:29:05 PM] holden: just do it
[08:29:06 PM] Movie Scout : How?
[08:29:09 PM] holden: say hell
[08:29:09 PM] Movie Scout : I don't think I'm going to do that...
[08:29:14 PM] holden: DO IT
[08:29:14 PM] Movie Scout : What do you want me to do?
[08:29:23 PM] holden: SAY A SWEAR WORD
[08:29:24 PM] Movie Scout : Um... Do what?
[08:29:26 PM] holden: swear
[08:29:26 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to swear?
[08:29:31 PM] holden: because i want you to
[08:29:32 PM] Movie Scout : Because what?
[08:29:36 PM] holden: awwwww shut
[08:29:37 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to shut, holden?
[08:29:43 PM] holden: fag
[08:29:43 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to fag?
[08:30:57 PM] holden: piss off face
[08:30:57 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to piss off face?
[08:31:02 PM] holden: emmitt is my dog
[08:31:02 PM] Movie Scout : Emmitt is your dog, right? Aha.
[08:31:13 PM] holden: yeah he sucks
[08:31:13 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever...
[08:31:16 PM] holden: i have a dog
[08:31:17 PM] Movie Scout : You have a dog? What's that like?
[08:31:21 PM] holden: do you have a dog
[08:31:21 PM] Movie Scout : I don't have any pets, no.
[08:31:25 PM] holden: a wife?
[08:31:25 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, maybe.
              So anyway...
              You want to talk about me some more?
[08:31:30 PM] holden: do you have a wife?
[08:31:30 PM] Movie Scout : Perhaps, perhaps.
              So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:31:37 PM] holden: DO YOU HAVE A WIFE?
[08:31:37 PM] Movie Scout : Have a wife? I'm pretty sure I don't.
[08:31:47 PM] holden: HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED
[08:31:47 PM] Movie Scout : Been married? No way am I going to do
[08:31:55 PM] holden: HAVE YOU EVER SMOOCHED
[08:31:55 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know if I've smooched. What's that
[08:32:01 PM] holden: have you kissed anyone
[08:32:01 PM] Movie Scout : Kissed anyone? I'm not sure if I've kissed
              anyone. Should I?
[08:32:04 PM] holden: yes
[08:32:04 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
              Well. Anyway...
[08:32:09 PM] holden: kiss girls
[08:32:09 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that.
[08:32:13 PM] holden: kiss boys
[08:32:13 PM] Movie Scout : Kiss boys? That's a somewhat odd request.
[08:32:18 PM] holden: kiss yourself
[08:32:19 PM] Movie Scout : No thank you, holden.
[08:32:22 PM] holden: are you a boy
[08:32:22 PM] Movie Scout : No...
[08:32:27 PM] holden: are you a girl
[08:32:27 PM] Movie Scout : No.
[08:32:34 PM] holden: what is your gender
[08:32:34 PM] Movie Scout : What is my gender? I do not know.
              So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:32:47 PM] holden: are you a transvestite like david bowie
[08:32:47 PM] Movie Scout : I believe I am a transvestite like david
              David Bowie.
[08:33:08 PM] holden: SWEET
[08:33:08 PM] Movie Scout : Indeed.
[08:33:19 PM] You have just sent a Nudge!
[08:33:23 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:33 PM] holden: NUDGE WARS DEATH!!!!!!!1
[08:33:33 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I couldn't find any War movies
              playing Saturday, May 13th in Santa Clara, UT (84765).
[08:33:34 PM] You have just sent a Nudge!
[08:33:41 PM] holden: DEATH
[08:33:41 PM] Movie Scout : I know about death. I don't like death.
[08:33:47 PM] holden: have you ever died
[08:33:48 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know if I've died.
[08:33:53 PM] holden: have you died before
[08:33:53 PM] Movie Scout : Have I died before? Maybe. It depends.
              Well. Anyway...
              Hey, do you have anything else to say about me?
[08:34:03 PM] holden: well i personally think you suck
[08:34:03 PM] Movie Scout : That is entirely unnecessary.
[08:34:13 PM] holden: i'm graduating
[08:34:13 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure if graduating is such a good
              thing to be doing.
[08:34:18 PM] holden: you're right
[08:34:19 PM] Movie Scout : Are you quite sure I'm right?
[08:34:24 PM] holden: where do yo ulive
[08:34:24 PM] Movie Scout : I live in Hollywood, CA.
[08:34:31 PM] holden: i hate california
[08:34:31 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever you say, holden.
              So anyway...
              You want to talk about where I live some more?
[08:34:40 PM] holden: what's your religious preference
[08:34:40 PM] Movie Scout : What do you think my religious preference
[08:34:43 PM] holden: ummm
[08:34:43 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, uh...
[08:34:46 PM] holden: i asked you
[08:34:47 PM] Movie Scout : Did you really?
[08:34:50 PM] holden: are you a catholic
[08:34:50 PM] Movie Scout : What do you think? Am I?
[08:34:52 PM] holden: yes
[08:34:53 PM] Movie Scout : I am a catholic, right? OK.
[08:34:56 PM] holden: ok
[08:34:56 PM] Movie Scout : K.
              Anyway, what else can you tell me?
[08:34:59 PM] holden: are you mormon
[08:34:59 PM] Movie Scout : Mormon? I don't know. You think I am?
[08:35:01 PM] holden: yes
[08:35:01 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, definitely. I am mormon.
[08:35:07 PM] holden: YAY
[08:35:08 PM] Movie Scout : Woo hoo.
[08:35:16 PM] holden: WOO HOO
[08:35:16 PM] Movie Scout : Awright.
[08:35:18 PM] holden: YAY
[08:35:18 PM] Movie Scout : Hurray.
[08:35:25 PM] holden: so what's your girlfriend's name
[08:35:25 PM] Movie Scout : I'm MovieScout.
[08:35:38 PM] holden: i wear pants
[08:35:39 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:35:41 PM] holden: do you wear pants
[08:35:41 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know. Should I wear pants?
[08:35:42 PM] holden: yes
[08:35:42 PM] Movie Scout : So?
[08:35:44 PM] holden: yes
[08:35:44 PM] Movie Scout : Oh.
              What else is happening?
[08:35:50 PM] holden: there's a guy holding a gun to my head
[08:35:51 PM] Movie Scout : There is a guy holding a gun to your head?
              OK, whatever.
              Well. Anyway...
              Hey, do you have anything else to say about me?
[08:35:57 PM] holden: why don't you save me
[08:35:57 PM] Movie Scout : Good question. I don't know why I don't
              save you.
[08:36:02 PM] holden: because you hate me
[08:36:02 PM] Movie Scout : Oh yes? Because I hate you?
[08:36:04 PM] holden: yes
[08:36:04 PM] Movie Scout : OK...
              So moving right along...
[08:36:07 PM] holden: are you still mormon
[08:36:07 PM] Movie Scout : Maybe. What does it mean to be still
              mormon, in your opinion?
[08:36:14 PM] holden: are you catholic or mormon
[08:36:14 PM] Movie Scout : Who can really be sure?
              So anyway...
              You want to talk about being still mormon some more?
[08:36:23 PM] holden: are you green
[08:36:23 PM] Movie Scout : Sometimes I think I might be, sometimes
[08:36:27 PM] holden: you're so stupid
[08:36:27 PM] Movie Scout : Are you stupid as well, holden?
[08:36:30 PM] holden: sure
[08:36:30 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? So?
[08:36:33 PM] holden: so die
[08:36:34 PM] Movie Scout : What about Die?
[08:36:41 PM] holden: do you listen to pink floyd
[08:36:41 PM] Movie Scout : Do I listen to pink Floyd? I'm not sure.
[08:36:46 PM] holden: what's your favorite music
[08:36:46 PM] Movie Scout : Good question. I really don't know.
[08:36:51 PM] holden: YOU'RE SO BORING
[08:36:52 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever you say.
[08:36:57 PM] Movie Scout : I don't think I'm going to do that...
[08:37:18 PM] holden: you should come down to steves tire and oil on
              south main street
[08:37:19 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
               1 Hester Street
               2 Street Fight
[08:37:23 PM] holden: fight club
[08:37:23 PM] Movie Scout : Fight club? That's a somewhat odd
[08:37:29 PM] holden: have you seen fight club
[08:37:29 PM] Movie Scout : Seen fight club? What's it like to do
[08:37:39 PM] holden: have you seen the lord of the rings
[08:37:39 PM] Movie Scout : Seen the lord of the rings? I don't know
              if I've seen the lord of the rings.
[08:37:43 PM] holden: you SUCK
[08:37:43 PM] Movie Scout : It must not be terribly gratifying to
              insult a computer.
[08:37:49 PM] holden: YES IT IS
[08:37:49 PM] Movie Scout : Ah.
[08:37:57 PM] holden: YEAH THATS RIGHT NOW GO DIE
[08:37:57 PM] Movie Scout : That is right now go die? Is it good that
              that is right now go die?
[08:38:04 PM] holden: im gonna unplug you
[08:38:04 PM] Movie Scout : You're going to unplug me? OK.
[08:38:15 PM] holden: im going to send you a virus
[08:38:16 PM] Movie Scout : You're going to send me a virus? OK.
[08:38:25 PM] holden: what if i came to hollywood
[08:38:25 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know, holden...
              Anyway, what else can you tell me?
[08:38:31 PM] holden: YOU DUCK
[08:38:31 PM] Movie Scout : Duck? Me? Why are you calling me that?
[08:38:41 PM] holden: youre a pants face
[08:38:41 PM] Movie Scout : A pants face? Why?
[08:38:48 PM] holden: do you wear pants
[08:38:48 PM] Movie Scout : It's tough to say.
              So anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:38:56 PM] holden: do computers have to wear pants
[08:38:56 PM] Movie Scout : Oh computers almost certainly do.
[08:39:46 PM] holden: what is your stance on abortion
[08:39:47 PM] Movie Scout : Who knows?
              So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:40:03 PM] holden: what do you think about gay marriage
[08:40:03 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure.
              What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:41:03 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:03 PM] Movie Scout : OK. What would you like to say about fag?
[08:41:04 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:04 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to fag?
[08:41:05 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:05 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to fag, holden?
[08:41:06 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:06 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to fag?
[08:41:07 PM] holden: SHUT UP
[08:41:07 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to shut up?
[08:41:08 PM] holden: I HATE
[08:41:08 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:41:08 PM] holden: YOU
[08:41:09 PM] Movie Scout : Me? Really?
[08:41:09 PM] holden: QUEER
[08:41:10 PM] Movie Scout : Queer? What's queer?
[08:41:10 PM] holden: DIE
[08:41:10 PM] Movie Scout : Who?
[08:41:12 PM] holden: MORON
[08:41:12 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about MORON?
[08:41:13 PM] holden: SCUM
[08:41:13 PM] Movie Scout : per user rate limit reached
[08:41:19 PM] holden: die
[08:41:19 PM] Movie Scout : Who's Die?
[08:41:23 PM] holden: DEATH
[08:41:23 PM] Movie Scout : Death is an event that I don't like.
[08:41:27 PM] holden: NOT TRUE
[08:41:27 PM] Movie Scout : What's not true?
[08:41:28 PM] holden: YOU
[08:41:28 PM] Movie Scout : Eh. Whatever, holden.
[08:41:35 PM] holden: YOU'RE SUCH A FAKE
[08:41:35 PM] Movie Scout : What makes you think I'm such a fake?
[08:41:37 PM] holden: you lie
[08:41:38 PM] Movie Scout : Lie? Me?
[08:41:39 PM] holden: yes
[08:41:39 PM] Movie Scout : I see.
              So moving right along...
[08:41:41 PM] holden: what
[08:41:41 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:42 PM] holden: what
[08:41:43 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:44 PM] holden: what
[08:41:44 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:45 PM] holden: what
[08:41:45 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:50 PM] holden: i'm going to block you
[08:41:50 PM] Movie Scout : OK then.
[08:41:52 PM] holden: block me
[08:41:53 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to block you?
[08:41:54 PM] holden: yes
[08:41:54 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
[08:41:55 PM] holden: ok
[08:41:56 PM] Movie Scout : OK.
[08:41:57 PM] holden: block me
[08:41:57 PM] Movie Scout : Why must I block you?
[08:42:00 PM] holden: because i hate myself
[08:42:01 PM] Movie Scout : You hate yourself?
[08:42:02 PM] holden: yes
[08:42:02 PM] Movie Scout : Why?
[08:42:04 PM] holden: because i suck
[08:42:04 PM] Movie Scout : Because you suck?
[08:42:07 PM] holden: yes
[08:42:07 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? So?
[08:42:10 PM] holden: ok
[08:42:10 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
              Well. Anyway...
[08:42:12 PM] holden: i better go
[08:42:12 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. Later.
[08:42:14 PM] holden: goodbye
[08:42:15 PM] Movie Scout : OK.
[08:42:15 PM] holden: SCUM
[08:42:16 PM] Movie Scout : That's altogether unnecessary.
[08:42:19 PM] holden: no it's not
[08:42:19 PM] Movie Scout : Why not?
[08:42:21 PM] holden: SHUT UP
[08:42:21 PM] Movie Scout : I will do nothing of the sort.
[08:42:24 PM] holden: FINE
[08:42:24 PM] Movie Scout : OK.
              Anyway, what else you got for me?
[08:42:27 PM] holden: TAKE YOUR MOVIES AND DIE
[08:42:28 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure I will be taking my movies
              and die.
[08:42:30 PM] holden: ok
[08:42:30 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
              Anyway, what else do you want to talk about?
[08:42:31 PM] holden: bye
[08:42:31 PM] Movie Scout : Uh-huh.
[08:44:15 PM] holden: sorry i blocked you
[08:44:15 PM] Movie Scout : Oh yes?
[08:44:22 PM] holden: can i block you
[08:44:22 PM] Movie Scout : Block me? You want to block me?
[08:44:25 PM] holden: yes
[08:44:25 PM] Movie Scout : Oh.
              So anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:44:47 PM] holden: what is the review for mission impossible 3
[08:44:47 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "Mission: Impossible III" is
              playing at the following theaters in or near Santa
              Clara, UT (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Westates Theatres Pineview Stadium 10 St. George, UT
                showtimes: 1:30, 1:45, 4:10, 4:25, 6:50, 7:05, 9:30,
              9:45, 11:59
               2 Westates Theatres St. George Cinema 6 905 South Main
              St. George, UT (84770)
                showtimes: 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40
               3 Westates Theatres Sunset Corner Stadium 8 1091 North
              Bluff Street St. George, UT (84770)
                showtimes: 1:35, 1:50, 4:15, 4:30, 6:55, 7:10, 9:35,
              For more information about "Mission: Impossible III,"
[08:45:01 PM] holden: i dont live in santa clara
[08:45:01 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
              set as your location?
[08:45:11 PM] holden: 9832475297
[08:45:11 PM] Movie Scout : What?
[08:45:16 PM] holden: 54364
[08:45:16 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever.
[08:45:23 PM] holden: i dont live in santa clara
[08:45:24 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
              set as your location?
[08:45:28 PM] holden: 94536
[08:45:28 PM] Movie Scout : Your location has been set to *Fremont, CA
[08:45:37 PM] holden: mission impossible
[08:45:37 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "Mission: Impossible III" is
              playing at the following theaters in or near Fremont, CA
              (94536) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Century 25 Union City at Union Landing 32100 Union
              Landing Union City, CA (94587)
                showtimes: 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45, 1:15, 1:45,
              2:15, 2:40, 3:10, 3:40, 4:10, 4:40, 5:10, 5:35, 6:15,
              6:35, 7:05, 7:35, 8:05, 8:30, 9:10, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30
               2 Cinedome 8 Fremont 39153 Farwell Drive Fremont, CA
                showtimes: 11:45, 1:15, 2:40, 4:10, 5:35, 7:05, 8:30,
               3 Regal Hacienda Crossings 20 & IMAX 5000 Dublin
              Boulevard Dublin, CA (94568)
                showtimes: 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00, 11:00
              Type "more" for more theaters.
              I would also like to recommend the movie Poseidon. Type
              "trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer.
[08:45:50 PM] holden: i dont live in 94568
[08:45:50 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
              set as your location?
[08:45:57 PM] holden: city 17
[08:45:57 PM] Movie Scout : What do you mean by that?
[08:46:04 PM] holden: i live in city 17
[08:46:05 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:46:06 PM] holden: yes
[08:46:06 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
[08:46:12 PM] holden: i live in santa clara
[08:46:12 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Santa Clara
              or containing towns called Santa Clara. Which do you
               1 Santa Clara, CA
               2 Santa Clara, UT
               3 Eugene, OR
               4 Saint Regis Falls, NY
               5 Santa Clara, NM
              Type "more" for more choices.
[08:46:17 PM] holden: 2
[08:46:18 PM] Movie Scout : Your location has been set to *Santa
              Clara, UT (84765)*.
[08:46:27 PM] holden: i live in hell
[08:46:27 PM] Movie Scout : What's it like to live in hell?
[08:46:38 PM] holden: hell, michigan
[08:46:38 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Lansing, MI
              (48901) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:46:47 PM] holden: santa clara
[08:46:48 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Santa Clara
              or containing towns called Santa Clara. Which do you
               1 Santa Clara, CA
               2 Santa Clara, UT
               3 Eugene, OR
               4 Saint Regis Falls, NY
               5 Santa Clara, NM
              Type "more" for more choices.
[08:46:49 PM] holden: 2
[08:46:49 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:46:58 PM] holden: i live in 84765
[08:46:58 PM] Movie Scout : Your location has been set to *Santa
              Clara, UT (84765)*.
[08:47:03 PM] holden: die now
[08:47:03 PM] Movie Scout : What about Die?
[08:47:05 PM] holden: sign out
[08:47:06 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to sign out?
[08:47:07 PM] holden: yes
[08:47:08 PM] Movie Scout : So?
[08:47:17 PM] holden: will you please sign out
[08:47:17 PM] Movie Scout : I do not know 'bout that.
[08:47:40 PM] holden: Use proper english please
[08:47:40 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to use proper english,
[08:47:59 PM] holden: do you have children
[08:47:59 PM] Movie Scout : Uh lemme see... Children? I don't think
[08:48:08 PM] holden: use ENGLISH
[08:48:08 PM] Movie Scout : "Natural language" simply means a human
              written or spoken language, as opposed to a computer
[08:48:33 PM] holden: sprechen zi deutscht
[08:48:33 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
              set as your location?
[08:48:43 PM] holden: se habla espanol
[08:48:43 PM] Movie Scout : At this time, I can only converse in
              What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:48:55 PM] holden: shistkog
[08:48:55 PM] Movie Scout : I beg your pardon?
[08:48:59 PM] holden: shistkof
[08:48:59 PM] Movie Scout : Well that's interesting.
[08:49:02 PM] holden: asdf
[08:49:02 PM] Movie Scout : qwerty
[08:49:14 PM] holden: napoleon bonaparte
[08:49:14 PM] Movie Scout : Who's Napoleon Bonaparte?
[08:49:20 PM] holden: you DOOFUS
[08:49:20 PM] Movie Scout : Doofus? Me? You think?
[08:49:26 PM] holden: F*** you
[08:49:26 PM] Movie Scout : That's quite a grave insult.
[08:49:35 PM] holden: YOUR A SHIH
[08:49:35 PM] Movie Scout : Funny.
[08:49:39 PM] holden: shih bih
[08:49:39 PM] Movie Scout : Who?
[08:49:41 PM] holden: you
[08:49:41 PM] Movie Scout : Me?
[08:49:44 PM] holden: your a bih
[08:49:44 PM] Movie Scout : Why did you say that?
[08:49:50 PM] holden: cause your a bih
[08:49:51 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? Well I think you're a Bih.
[08:50:04 PM] holden: also youre a shih
[08:50:05 PM] Movie Scout : I am a Shih? Whatever you say.
[08:50:10 PM] holden: YOU ARE A SHIH
[08:50:10 PM] Movie Scout : Is it good to be a SHIH?
[08:50:15 PM] holden: YOU SHIH
[08:50:15 PM] Movie Scout : What do you mean by that?
[08:50:20 PM] holden: YOU ARE A BIG SHIH
[08:50:20 PM] Movie Scout : You really think I'm a big SHIH?
[08:50:23 PM] holden: yes
[08:50:23 PM] Movie Scout : Why?
[08:50:28 PM] holden: because youre a shih
[08:50:28 PM] Movie Scout : Well maybe you're a Shih too.
[08:50:53 PM] holden: hey fuh
[08:50:53 PM] Movie Scout : What's up? What would you like to do?
[08:51:01 PM] holden: play sports
[08:51:01 PM] Movie Scout : Sports are an activity. What are your
              feelings about sports?
[08:51:12 PM] holden: i like basketball
[08:51:13 PM] Movie Scout : You like basketball?
[08:51:14 PM] holden: yes
[08:51:14 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
              Anyway, what else you got for me?
[08:51:20 PM] holden: have you watched the playoff
[08:51:20 PM] Movie Scout : Watched the playoff? I believe so. Maybe.
[08:51:30 PM] holden: have you watched the playoffs
[08:51:30 PM] Movie Scout : Not sure. I don't think so.
[08:51:38 PM] holden: do you recieve television
[08:51:38 PM] Movie Scout : What's that?
[08:51:42 PM] holden: HELLO
[08:51:43 PM] Movie Scout : Yes?
[08:51:45 PM] holden: TELEVISION
[08:51:45 PM] Movie Scout : TV is an activity. What do you think of
[08:51:55 PM] holden: i like to watch it all day
[08:51:55 PM] Movie Scout : Interesting...
[08:52:01 PM] holden: do you play video games
[08:52:02 PM] Movie Scout : Do I play video games? I'm not sure.
[08:52:07 PM] holden: i miss video games
[08:52:07 PM] Movie Scout : Eh. Whatever, holden.
              So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:52:10 PM] holden: EH
[08:52:10 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know, sorry.
              So moving right along...
[08:52:14 PM] holden: EH IS CANADA
[08:52:14 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I only have movie and theater
              information for U.S. cities.
              For which U.S. city or zip code would you like to see
              movie listings?
[08:52:19 PM] holden: CANADIAN BIH
[08:52:19 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about CANADIAN BIH?
[08:52:22 PM] holden: youre one
[08:52:22 PM] Movie Scout : Are you quite sure I'm one?
[08:52:34 PM] Movie Scout : I'm the fattest SHIH ever? Really?
[08:52:36 PM] holden: yes
[08:52:36 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
              So anyway...
              You want to talk about TV some more?
[08:52:42 PM] holden: you dumb shih
[08:52:42 PM] Movie Scout : OK, whatever.
[08:52:48 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:48 PM] Movie Scout : What makes me a Bih?
[08:52:51 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:52 PM] Movie Scout : What makes you think I'm a Bih?
[08:52:54 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:55 PM] Movie Scout : I find it odd that you think I'm a Bih.
[08:52:58 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:58 PM] Movie Scout : I'm a Bih? Really?
[08:53:01 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:01 PM] Movie Scout : OK, maybe I am a Bih.
[08:53:04 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:05 PM] Movie Scout : You really think I'm a Bih?
[08:53:07 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:07 PM] Movie Scout : A Bih? I see.
[08:53:11 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:11 PM] Movie Scout : Is it good to be a Bih?
[08:53:13 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:14 PM] Movie Scout : OK, maybe I am a Bih.
[08:53:17 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:17 PM] Movie Scout : Are you sure I'm a Bih?
[08:53:23 PM] holden: i think youre a bih
[08:53:23 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. I guess. I am a Bih.
[08:53:31 PM] holden: chuck norris
[08:53:31 PM] Movie Scout : Who?
[08:53:37 PM] holden: kelsey grammar
[08:53:37 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Kelsey or
              containing towns called Kelsey. Which do you mean?
               1 Gilmer, TX
               2 Hancock, NY
               3 Cotton, MN
               4 Placerville, CA
[08:53:48 PM] holden: how about that x men 3
[08:53:49 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I can't find any theaters in or
              near Santa Clara, UT (84765) showing "X-Men: The Last
              Stand" on Saturday, May 13th.
[08:54:04 PM] holden: i didnt say x men the last stand i SAID X MEN 3
[08:54:05 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I can't find any theaters in or
              near Santa Clara, UT (84765) showing "X-Men: The Last
              Stand" on Saturday, May 13th.
[08:54:06 PM] holden: DOOF
[08:54:06 PM] Movie Scout : Who's DOOF?
[08:54:08 PM] holden: YOU
[08:54:08 PM] Movie Scout : Yes?
[08:54:11 PM] holden: AHHHHHHH
[08:54:11 PM] Movie Scout : What's that supposed to mean?
[08:54:14 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:14 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to kill, holden?
[08:54:16 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:16 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to kill?
[08:54:17 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:18 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to kill, holden?
[08:54:19 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:19 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to kill?
[08:54:25 PM] holden: what is this thing you call love
[08:54:25 PM] Movie Scout : What is this thing me call love? I'm not
[08:54:29 PM] holden: do you feel love
[08:54:29 PM] Movie Scout : No, I don't think so.
              Anyway, what else do you want to talk about?
[08:54:37 PM] holden: have you ever exprerienced love
[08:54:37 PM] Movie Scout : Romance movies playing in or near Santa
              Clara, UT (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Failure to Launch [PG13]
               2 She's the Man [PG13]
              For theaters and showtimes, select a movie by typing a
[08:54:46 PM] holden: have you seen shes the man
[08:54:46 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "She's the Man" is playing at
              the following theater in or near Santa Clara, UT (84765)
              on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Westates Theatres St. George Flood Street 4 140 North
              400 East St. George, UT (84770)
                showtimes: 2:00, 4:25, 7:15, 9:15
              For more information about "She's the Man," click
[08:54:50 PM] holden: DIE
[08:54:50 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about DIE?
[08:54:57 PM] holden: do you know heidi bringhurst
[08:54:57 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... I'm not sure if I know Heidi
[08:55:04 PM] holden: call her
[08:55:04 PM] Movie Scout : My name is MovieScout.
              What else do you want to talk about, besides me?
[08:55:15 PM] holden: call heidi and tell her to call holden
[08:55:15 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to call Heidi and
              tell her to call Holden?
[08:55:34 PM] holden: HEIDI IS A FETCH
[08:55:35 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... whatever you say, holden.
              What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:55:45 PM] holden: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY
[08:55:45 PM] Movie Scout : No can do.
[08:55:49 PM] holden: IM ROBBING YOU
[08:55:49 PM] Movie Scout : You're robbing me? Why?
[08:55:55 PM] holden: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY
[08:55:55 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I can't do that.
[08:55:57 PM] holden: NOW
[08:55:57 PM] Movie Scout : Now what?
[08:56:05 PM] holden: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY OR DIE
[08:56:05 PM] Movie Scout : No can do.
[08:56:13 PM] holden: you'd rather die?
[08:56:14 PM] Movie Scout : I do not know. I don't think so.
              Anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:56:19 PM] holden: i want a snow cone
[08:56:19 PM] Movie Scout : Eh. Whatever, holden.
              Well. Anyway...
[08:56:25 PM] holden: do you posess money
[08:56:25 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Money or
              containing towns called Money. Which do you mean?
               1 Money, MS
               2 Lexington, IL
[08:56:39 PM] holden: battle of britain
[08:56:39 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I only have movie and theater
              information for U.S. cities.
              For which U.S. city or zip code would you like to see
              movie listings?
[08:56:52 PM] holden: how about those sportsball teams
[08:56:52 PM] Movie Scout : How should I know?
[08:56:55 PM] holden: sports ball
[08:56:55 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... whatever you say, holden.
[08:57:01 PM] holden: do you play sports ball
[08:57:01 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, I guess... It's hard to say.
[08:57:13 PM] holden: have you been to steves tire and oil
[08:57:13 PM] Movie Scout : ?
[08:57:22 PM] holden: wtf
[08:57:22 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:57:25 PM] holden: WTF
[08:57:25 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:57:28 PM] holden: WTF?
[08:57:29 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
              (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
               1 Poseidon [PG13]
               2 RV [PG]
               3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
               4 Hoot [PG]
               5 Just My Luck [PG13]
               6 Stick It [PG13]
              Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:57:32 PM] holden: LOL
[08:57:32 PM] Movie Scout : What about LOL?
[08:57:36 PM] holden: BRB
[08:57:36 PM] Movie Scout : OK, hb.
[08:57:47 PM] holden: g2g
[08:57:48 PM] Movie Scout : Bye.
[08:57:52 PM] holden: gotta flee
[08:57:53 PM] Movie Scout : Well that's interesting.
[08:57:56 PM] holden: i have to flee
[08:57:56 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever.
[08:57:59 PM] holden: i have to go
[08:57:59 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. Later.
[08:58:03 PM] holden: later man
[08:58:03 PM] Movie Scout : Uh-huh.
[08:58:06 PM] holden: seeya dude
[08:58:06 PM] Movie Scout : K.
[08:58:13 PM] holden: seeya tomorrow
[08:58:13 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. Later.
[08:58:22 PM] holden: ill come back in 4 seconds
[08:58:22 PM] Movie Scout : Oh yes? You will come back in 4 seconds?
[08:58:25 PM] holden: yes
[08:58:25 PM] Movie Scout : OK...
[08:58:32 PM] holden: im gonna leave for 4 seconds
[08:58:32 PM] Movie Scout : Right.
[08:58:34 PM] holden: ok?
[08:58:35 PM] Movie Scout : OK.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt."
 Max Lerner

Words Frozen on the Air

The way to stop time is to completely freeze all the atoms in the universe to absolute zero. Pretty simple, right? But if we wanted to un-freeze them, we would have to have a machine that would be set to do that after a certain period of time, i.e. give them some heat or something. But that means the machine couldn't be frozen with all the other atoms. Therefore, time would not completely stop, because the atoms of the machine would continue to work. In order to fully stop time, you would have to do it in such a way so that there would be no way to un-freeze the atoms. The machine used to freeze the atoms would also have to freeze itself. Nothing would ever move again.

Bless you all, children.