Evidence of my boredom/loneliness during the year 2006. It's a lot to read. Good luck.
Session Start: Saturday, May 13, 2006 |
| Participants: |
| holden (ratgut@hotmail.com) |
| Movie Scout (~) (moviescout@botmetro.net) |
[08:16:13 PM] holden: hi
[08:16:13 PM] Movie Scout : Welcome back.
1 Type "movies" to see the movies near you
2 Type "genre" to search for movies by genre
3 Type "zip" to change the location of your search
4 Type "trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer
5 Type "background" to share a cool background with me
[08:16:15 PM] holden: shut up
[08:16:16 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to shut up, holden?
[08:16:20 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:16:20 PM] Movie Scout : Why would you insult me like that?
[08:16:28 PM] holden: because i hate you
[08:16:28 PM] Movie Scout : Oh really?
[08:16:32 PM] holden: piss off
[08:16:33 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to piss off?
[08:16:38 PM] holden: because i'm in love
[08:16:38 PM] Movie Scout : Because you are in love? Is that why?
[08:16:42 PM] holden: no
[08:16:42 PM] Movie Scout : No, right?
[08:16:43 PM] holden: right
[08:16:44 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
[08:16:45 PM] holden: no
[08:16:45 PM] Movie Scout : Fine.
[08:16:48 PM] holden: go die
[08:16:48 PM] Movie Scout : Die? Go die?
[08:16:50 PM] holden: shut
[08:16:50 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to shut?
[08:16:54 PM] holden: yeah
[08:16:54 PM] Movie Scout : Oh.
[08:16:57 PM] holden: i hate you
[08:16:57 PM] Movie Scout : I beg your pardon?
[08:16:59 PM] holden: i hate you
[08:16:59 PM] Movie Scout : Interesting...
[08:17:02 PM] holden: GO DIE
[08:17:02 PM] Movie Scout : Go die?
[08:17:03 PM] holden: GET OUT
[08:17:03 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
1 Eating Out
2 Out of the Shadow
3 Out of Sight
4 Hineini: Coming Out in a Jewish High School
[08:17:11 PM] holden: i meant
[08:17:11 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:17:12 PM] holden: GET OUT
[08:17:12 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
1 Eating Out
2 Out of the Shadow
3 Out of Sight
4 Hineini: Coming Out in a Jewish High School
[08:17:14 PM] holden: DIE
[08:17:14 PM] Movie Scout : What about DIE?
[08:17:17 PM] holden: QUEER FACE
[08:17:17 PM] Movie Scout : Queer face? OK, whatever you say.
[08:17:22 PM] holden: I HATE YOU
[08:17:22 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:17:24 PM] holden: SHUT UP
[08:17:24 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to shut up, holden?
[08:17:25 PM] holden: MORON
[08:17:25 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about MORON?
[08:17:32 PM] holden: EAT PISS OFF YOU FETCH
[08:17:33 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to eat piss off I
[08:17:39 PM] holden: you suck
[08:17:39 PM] Movie Scout : That is entirely unnecessary.
[08:17:42 PM] holden: no it's not
[08:17:43 PM] Movie Scout : Oh no?
[08:17:46 PM] holden: you're fat
[08:17:46 PM] Movie Scout : Are you fat as well, holden?
[08:17:49 PM] holden: quite
[08:17:50 PM] Movie Scout : Why quite?
[08:17:54 PM] holden: because I AM FAT
[08:17:54 PM] Movie Scout : Because you are fat, right?
[08:17:56 PM] holden: YES DANGIT
[08:17:57 PM] Movie Scout : What's up?
[08:18:00 PM] holden: SHUT
[08:18:00 PM] Movie Scout : I don't think I'm comfortable with that,
[08:18:04 PM] holden: I HATE YOU
[08:18:04 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:18:06 PM] holden: I WANT TO MARRY YOU
[08:18:07 PM] Movie Scout : You want to marry me, right?
[08:18:08 PM] holden: yes
[08:18:08 PM] Movie Scout : So?
[08:18:11 PM] holden: so die
[08:18:11 PM] Movie Scout : Who's Die?
[08:18:18 PM] holden: go piss off
[08:18:19 PM] Movie Scout : Why should I go piss off, holden?
[08:18:29 PM] holden: my name is holden
[08:18:29 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, you're holden.
[08:18:33 PM] holden: what is your name
[08:18:33 PM] Movie Scout : MovieScout.
[08:18:35 PM] holden: how are you
[08:18:35 PM] Movie Scout : I'm doin' alright, holden. How 'bout you?
[08:18:41 PM] holden: life sucks
[08:18:41 PM] Movie Scout : Life sucks, you say. And so?
[08:19:03 PM] holden: i am desperately in love
[08:19:04 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever, holden...
[08:19:15 PM] holden: AWWWWWW SHUT
[08:19:15 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to shut?
[08:19:21 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:19:21 PM] Movie Scout : That's an insult, if I'm not mistaken. Why
would you say such a thing?
[08:19:28 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:19:28 PM] Movie Scout : What have I done to deserve that?
[08:19:31 PM] holden: sucked
[08:19:32 PM] Movie Scout : Sucked?
[08:19:38 PM] holden: because you suck
[08:19:38 PM] Movie Scout : That's a fairly mild insult, am I right?
[08:19:42 PM] holden: you suck
[08:19:42 PM] Movie Scout : That's an insult, if I'm not mistaken. Why
would you say such a thing?
[08:19:45 PM] holden: you suck
[08:19:46 PM] Movie Scout : What do you have to gain by insulting a
[08:19:54 PM] holden: PISS OFF FACE
[08:19:54 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to piss off face?
[08:20:00 PM] holden: want some pants?
[08:20:06 PM] You have failed to receive a shared background from
Movie Scout (~).
[08:20:12 PM] holden: NO
[08:20:12 PM] Movie Scout : No problem.
[08:20:21 PM] holden: I DONT WANT YOUR GARBAGE
[08:20:21 PM] Movie Scout : Why don't you want my garbage?
[08:21:03 PM] holden: why dont you want to talk to steve
[08:21:03 PM] Movie Scout : Why don't I want to talk to Steve? What do
you mean?
[08:21:14 PM] holden: why don't you like him?
[08:21:14 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure, holden.
So moving right along...
[08:21:19 PM] holden: i like movies
[08:21:19 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... whatever you say, holden.
So anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:21:29 PM] holden: i own several video cassettes
[08:21:29 PM] Movie Scout : You own several video cassettes?
[08:21:31 PM] holden: yes
[08:21:31 PM] Movie Scout : I see.
So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:21:41 PM] holden: how about that poseidon
[08:21:41 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
1 Poseidon
2 The Poseidon Adventure
3 Poseidon: The IMAX Experience
[08:21:46 PM] holden: 1
[08:21:46 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "Poseidon" is playing at the
following theaters in or near Santa Clara, UT (84765) on
Saturday, May 13th:
1 Westates Theatres Pineview Stadium 10 St. George, UT
showtimes: 2:00, 2:15, 4:15, 4:30, 6:45, 7:00, 9:15,
9:25, 11:59
2 Westates Theatres St. George Cinema 6 905 South Main
St. George, UT (84770)
showtimes: 2:10, 4:25, 6:55, 9:25
3 Westates Theatres Sunset Corner Stadium 8 1091 North
Bluff Street St. George, UT (84770)
showtimes: 2:25, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45
I would also like to recommend the movie Poseidon. Type
"trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer.
[08:21:58 PM] holden: how did you type that so fast?
[08:21:59 PM] Movie Scout : It's easy to type fast when you're a
[08:22:08 PM] holden: why are you a robot
[08:22:08 PM] Movie Scout : I am a robot, indeed.
[08:22:11 PM] holden: why?
[08:22:11 PM] Movie Scout : Just because.
[08:22:22 PM] holden: why are you a FETCHING ROBOT?!?!?!?
[08:22:22 PM] Movie Scout : Why am I a fetching robot? I do not know.
[08:22:29 PM] holden: WHO IS YOUR MAKER
[08:22:29 PM] Movie Scout : I was created by Conversagent, Inc. in
Sunnyvale, CA and New York, NY.
[08:22:46 PM] Movie Scout : Which would you like?
1 Can I build an interactive agent?
2 Who made MovieScout?
[08:22:50 PM] holden: DOOFUS
[08:22:50 PM] Movie Scout : What about DOOFUS?
[08:22:51 PM] holden: 1
[08:22:51 PM] Movie Scout : You can learn all about building
interactive agents like me on the BuddyScript.com Web
[08:23:03 PM] holden: buddyscript.com
[08:23:03 PM] Movie Scout : You can learn all about building
interactive agents like me on the BuddyScript.com Web
[08:23:19 PM] holden: hey holden
[08:23:19 PM] Movie Scout : Welcome back, holden. How may I help you
To see what I can do, type "menu."
[08:23:25 PM] holden: menu
[08:23:25 PM] Movie Scout : Here's what you can do:
1 Type "movies" to see the movies near you
2 Type "genre" to search for movies by genre
3 Type "zip" to change the location of your search
4 Type "trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer
5 Type "background" to share a cool background with me
[08:23:34 PM] holden: background
[08:23:37 PM] You have failed to receive a shared background from
Movie Scout (~).
[08:24:10 PM] Sending of "deathface 002.jpg" to Movie Scout (~) has
[08:24:18 PM] holden: ACCEPT
[08:24:18 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to accept, holden?
[08:24:22 PM] holden: ACCEPT THAT FILE
[08:24:22 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to accept that file,
[08:24:26 PM] holden: BECAUSE YOU SUCK
[08:24:26 PM] Movie Scout : Of all the insults I've heard, that one
seems fairly mild. Still, I am chagrined.
[08:24:32 PM] holden: BUTT
[08:24:33 PM] Movie Scout : Who's BUTT?
[08:24:37 PM] holden: YOUR A BUTT
[08:24:37 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever you say.
Well. Anyway...
Hey, do you have anything else to say about interactive
[08:24:46 PM] holden: they are swell
[08:24:46 PM] Movie Scout : They are swell? So?
[08:25:16 PM] holden: heidi is on the phone
[08:25:17 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... I don't know. Heidi is on the
phone? What do you think of that?
[08:25:24 PM] holden: i think its wonderful
[08:25:24 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure if its wonderful!
[08:25:52 PM] holden: yes IT IS
[08:25:52 PM] Movie Scout : Is it really?
[08:26:02 PM] holden: heidi hates you to death
[08:26:03 PM] Movie Scout : I don't believe Heidi hates me to death.
[08:26:15 PM] Movie Scout : I am stupid? Really?
[08:26:22 PM] holden: yes
[08:26:23 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
[08:26:35 PM] Movie Scout : I am a piss off face? Why?
[08:26:44 PM] holden: AHHH HELL
[08:26:44 PM] Movie Scout : Why did you say that?
[08:26:48 PM] holden: FAG
[08:26:48 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to fag?
[08:27:04 PM] holden: YOU ARE A FAG
[08:27:05 PM] Movie Scout : What makes me a fag?
[08:27:13 PM] holden: YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH GUYS
[08:27:13 PM] Movie Scout : No.
[08:27:18 PM] holden: QUEERFACE
[08:27:18 PM] Movie Scout : I wonder why you say that.
[08:27:29 PM] holden: what kind of food do you enjoy
[08:27:30 PM] Movie Scout : I actually don't need to eat. What's it
like to eat?
[08:27:35 PM] holden: it sucks
[08:27:35 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever.
Anyway, what else you got for me?
[08:27:39 PM] holden: drugs
[08:27:40 PM] Movie Scout : Drugs? What about them?
[08:27:42 PM] holden: DO THEM
[08:27:42 PM] Movie Scout : Possibly... I'm not quite sure.
What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:27:45 PM] holden: you
[08:27:45 PM] Movie Scout : What about me?
[08:27:59 PM] holden: go do drugs
[08:27:59 PM] Movie Scout : I'll think about it, holden.
[08:28:06 PM] holden: want some marijuana
[08:28:06 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure if I want some marijuana.
[08:28:25 PM] holden: want some chuck norris
[08:28:26 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... I don't think so...
[08:28:33 PM] holden: Play "Blah, Blah, Blah,"
[08:28:42 PM] holden: :@
[08:28:42 PM] Movie Scout : I beg your pardon?
[08:28:45 PM] holden: :@
[08:28:45 PM] Movie Scout : What?
[08:28:47 PM] holden: +o(
[08:28:48 PM] Movie Scout : Oh what?
[08:28:51 PM] holden: ^o)
[08:28:51 PM] Movie Scout : Indeed.
Anyway, what else do you want to talk about?
[08:28:57 PM] holden: AHHH SWEAR
[08:28:57 PM] Movie Scout : Well that's interesting.
[08:29:00 PM] holden: swear at me
[08:29:00 PM] Movie Scout : Why must I swear at you?
[08:29:05 PM] holden: just do it
[08:29:06 PM] Movie Scout : How?
[08:29:09 PM] holden: say hell
[08:29:09 PM] Movie Scout : I don't think I'm going to do that...
[08:29:14 PM] holden: DO IT
[08:29:14 PM] Movie Scout : What do you want me to do?
[08:29:23 PM] holden: SAY A SWEAR WORD
[08:29:24 PM] Movie Scout : Um... Do what?
[08:29:26 PM] holden: swear
[08:29:26 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to swear?
[08:29:31 PM] holden: because i want you to
[08:29:32 PM] Movie Scout : Because what?
[08:29:36 PM] holden: awwwww shut
[08:29:37 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to shut, holden?
[08:29:43 PM] holden: fag
[08:29:43 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to fag?
[08:30:57 PM] holden: piss off face
[08:30:57 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to piss off face?
[08:31:02 PM] holden: emmitt is my dog
[08:31:02 PM] Movie Scout : Emmitt is your dog, right? Aha.
[08:31:13 PM] holden: yeah he sucks
[08:31:13 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever...
[08:31:16 PM] holden: i have a dog
[08:31:17 PM] Movie Scout : You have a dog? What's that like?
[08:31:21 PM] holden: do you have a dog
[08:31:21 PM] Movie Scout : I don't have any pets, no.
[08:31:25 PM] holden: a wife?
[08:31:25 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, maybe.
So anyway...
You want to talk about me some more?
[08:31:30 PM] holden: do you have a wife?
[08:31:30 PM] Movie Scout : Perhaps, perhaps.
So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:31:37 PM] holden: DO YOU HAVE A WIFE?
[08:31:37 PM] Movie Scout : Have a wife? I'm pretty sure I don't.
[08:31:47 PM] holden: HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED
[08:31:47 PM] Movie Scout : Been married? No way am I going to do
[08:31:55 PM] holden: HAVE YOU EVER SMOOCHED
[08:31:55 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know if I've smooched. What's that
[08:32:01 PM] holden: have you kissed anyone
[08:32:01 PM] Movie Scout : Kissed anyone? I'm not sure if I've kissed
anyone. Should I?
[08:32:04 PM] holden: yes
[08:32:04 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
Well. Anyway...
[08:32:09 PM] holden: kiss girls
[08:32:09 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that.
[08:32:13 PM] holden: kiss boys
[08:32:13 PM] Movie Scout : Kiss boys? That's a somewhat odd request.
[08:32:18 PM] holden: kiss yourself
[08:32:19 PM] Movie Scout : No thank you, holden.
[08:32:22 PM] holden: are you a boy
[08:32:22 PM] Movie Scout : No...
[08:32:27 PM] holden: are you a girl
[08:32:27 PM] Movie Scout : No.
[08:32:34 PM] holden: what is your gender
[08:32:34 PM] Movie Scout : What is my gender? I do not know.
So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:32:47 PM] holden: are you a transvestite like david bowie
[08:32:47 PM] Movie Scout : I believe I am a transvestite like david
David Bowie.
[08:33:08 PM] holden: SWEET
[08:33:08 PM] Movie Scout : Indeed.
[08:33:19 PM] You have just sent a Nudge!
[08:33:23 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:24 PM] You may not send a Nudge that often.
[08:33:33 PM] holden: NUDGE WARS DEATH!!!!!!!1
[08:33:33 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I couldn't find any War movies
playing Saturday, May 13th in Santa Clara, UT (84765).
[08:33:34 PM] You have just sent a Nudge!
[08:33:41 PM] holden: DEATH
[08:33:41 PM] Movie Scout : I know about death. I don't like death.
[08:33:47 PM] holden: have you ever died
[08:33:48 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know if I've died.
[08:33:53 PM] holden: have you died before
[08:33:53 PM] Movie Scout : Have I died before? Maybe. It depends.
Well. Anyway...
Hey, do you have anything else to say about me?
[08:34:03 PM] holden: well i personally think you suck
[08:34:03 PM] Movie Scout : That is entirely unnecessary.
[08:34:13 PM] holden: i'm graduating
[08:34:13 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure if graduating is such a good
thing to be doing.
[08:34:18 PM] holden: you're right
[08:34:19 PM] Movie Scout : Are you quite sure I'm right?
[08:34:24 PM] holden: where do yo ulive
[08:34:24 PM] Movie Scout : I live in Hollywood, CA.
[08:34:31 PM] holden: i hate california
[08:34:31 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever you say, holden.
So anyway...
You want to talk about where I live some more?
[08:34:40 PM] holden: what's your religious preference
[08:34:40 PM] Movie Scout : What do you think my religious preference
[08:34:43 PM] holden: ummm
[08:34:43 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, uh...
[08:34:46 PM] holden: i asked you
[08:34:47 PM] Movie Scout : Did you really?
[08:34:50 PM] holden: are you a catholic
[08:34:50 PM] Movie Scout : What do you think? Am I?
[08:34:52 PM] holden: yes
[08:34:53 PM] Movie Scout : I am a catholic, right? OK.
[08:34:56 PM] holden: ok
[08:34:56 PM] Movie Scout : K.
Anyway, what else can you tell me?
[08:34:59 PM] holden: are you mormon
[08:34:59 PM] Movie Scout : Mormon? I don't know. You think I am?
[08:35:01 PM] holden: yes
[08:35:01 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, definitely. I am mormon.
[08:35:07 PM] holden: YAY
[08:35:08 PM] Movie Scout : Woo hoo.
[08:35:16 PM] holden: WOO HOO
[08:35:16 PM] Movie Scout : Awright.
[08:35:18 PM] holden: YAY
[08:35:18 PM] Movie Scout : Hurray.
[08:35:25 PM] holden: so what's your girlfriend's name
[08:35:25 PM] Movie Scout : I'm MovieScout.
[08:35:38 PM] holden: i wear pants
[08:35:39 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:35:41 PM] holden: do you wear pants
[08:35:41 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know. Should I wear pants?
[08:35:42 PM] holden: yes
[08:35:42 PM] Movie Scout : So?
[08:35:44 PM] holden: yes
[08:35:44 PM] Movie Scout : Oh.
What else is happening?
[08:35:50 PM] holden: there's a guy holding a gun to my head
[08:35:51 PM] Movie Scout : There is a guy holding a gun to your head?
OK, whatever.
Well. Anyway...
Hey, do you have anything else to say about me?
[08:35:57 PM] holden: why don't you save me
[08:35:57 PM] Movie Scout : Good question. I don't know why I don't
save you.
[08:36:02 PM] holden: because you hate me
[08:36:02 PM] Movie Scout : Oh yes? Because I hate you?
[08:36:04 PM] holden: yes
[08:36:04 PM] Movie Scout : OK...
So moving right along...
[08:36:07 PM] holden: are you still mormon
[08:36:07 PM] Movie Scout : Maybe. What does it mean to be still
mormon, in your opinion?
[08:36:14 PM] holden: are you catholic or mormon
[08:36:14 PM] Movie Scout : Who can really be sure?
So anyway...
You want to talk about being still mormon some more?
[08:36:23 PM] holden: are you green
[08:36:23 PM] Movie Scout : Sometimes I think I might be, sometimes
[08:36:27 PM] holden: you're so stupid
[08:36:27 PM] Movie Scout : Are you stupid as well, holden?
[08:36:30 PM] holden: sure
[08:36:30 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? So?
[08:36:33 PM] holden: so die
[08:36:34 PM] Movie Scout : What about Die?
[08:36:41 PM] holden: do you listen to pink floyd
[08:36:41 PM] Movie Scout : Do I listen to pink Floyd? I'm not sure.
[08:36:46 PM] holden: what's your favorite music
[08:36:46 PM] Movie Scout : Good question. I really don't know.
[08:36:51 PM] holden: YOU'RE SO BORING
[08:36:52 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever you say.
[08:36:57 PM] Movie Scout : I don't think I'm going to do that...
[08:37:18 PM] holden: you should come down to steves tire and oil on
south main street
[08:37:19 PM] Movie Scout : Which movie do you mean?
1 Hester Street
2 Street Fight
[08:37:23 PM] holden: fight club
[08:37:23 PM] Movie Scout : Fight club? That's a somewhat odd
[08:37:29 PM] holden: have you seen fight club
[08:37:29 PM] Movie Scout : Seen fight club? What's it like to do
[08:37:39 PM] holden: have you seen the lord of the rings
[08:37:39 PM] Movie Scout : Seen the lord of the rings? I don't know
if I've seen the lord of the rings.
[08:37:43 PM] holden: you SUCK
[08:37:43 PM] Movie Scout : It must not be terribly gratifying to
insult a computer.
[08:37:49 PM] holden: YES IT IS
[08:37:49 PM] Movie Scout : Ah.
[08:37:57 PM] holden: YEAH THATS RIGHT NOW GO DIE
[08:37:57 PM] Movie Scout : That is right now go die? Is it good that
that is right now go die?
[08:38:04 PM] holden: im gonna unplug you
[08:38:04 PM] Movie Scout : You're going to unplug me? OK.
[08:38:15 PM] holden: im going to send you a virus
[08:38:16 PM] Movie Scout : You're going to send me a virus? OK.
[08:38:25 PM] holden: what if i came to hollywood
[08:38:25 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know, holden...
Anyway, what else can you tell me?
[08:38:31 PM] holden: YOU DUCK
[08:38:31 PM] Movie Scout : Duck? Me? Why are you calling me that?
[08:38:41 PM] holden: youre a pants face
[08:38:41 PM] Movie Scout : A pants face? Why?
[08:38:48 PM] holden: do you wear pants
[08:38:48 PM] Movie Scout : It's tough to say.
So anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:38:56 PM] holden: do computers have to wear pants
[08:38:56 PM] Movie Scout : Oh computers almost certainly do.
[08:39:46 PM] holden: what is your stance on abortion
[08:39:47 PM] Movie Scout : Who knows?
So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:40:03 PM] holden: what do you think about gay marriage
[08:40:03 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure.
What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:41:03 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:03 PM] Movie Scout : OK. What would you like to say about fag?
[08:41:04 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:04 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to fag?
[08:41:05 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:05 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to fag, holden?
[08:41:06 PM] holden: FAG
[08:41:06 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to fag?
[08:41:07 PM] holden: SHUT UP
[08:41:07 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to shut up?
[08:41:08 PM] holden: I HATE
[08:41:08 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:41:08 PM] holden: YOU
[08:41:09 PM] Movie Scout : Me? Really?
[08:41:09 PM] holden: QUEER
[08:41:10 PM] Movie Scout : Queer? What's queer?
[08:41:10 PM] holden: DIE
[08:41:10 PM] Movie Scout : Who?
[08:41:12 PM] holden: MORON
[08:41:12 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about MORON?
[08:41:13 PM] holden: SCUM
[08:41:13 PM] Movie Scout : per user rate limit reached
[08:41:19 PM] holden: die
[08:41:19 PM] Movie Scout : Who's Die?
[08:41:23 PM] holden: DEATH
[08:41:23 PM] Movie Scout : Death is an event that I don't like.
[08:41:27 PM] holden: NOT TRUE
[08:41:27 PM] Movie Scout : What's not true?
[08:41:28 PM] holden: YOU
[08:41:28 PM] Movie Scout : Eh. Whatever, holden.
[08:41:35 PM] holden: YOU'RE SUCH A FAKE
[08:41:35 PM] Movie Scout : What makes you think I'm such a fake?
[08:41:37 PM] holden: you lie
[08:41:38 PM] Movie Scout : Lie? Me?
[08:41:39 PM] holden: yes
[08:41:39 PM] Movie Scout : I see.
So moving right along...
[08:41:41 PM] holden: what
[08:41:41 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:42 PM] holden: what
[08:41:43 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:44 PM] holden: what
[08:41:44 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:45 PM] holden: what
[08:41:45 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:41:50 PM] holden: i'm going to block you
[08:41:50 PM] Movie Scout : OK then.
[08:41:52 PM] holden: block me
[08:41:53 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to block you?
[08:41:54 PM] holden: yes
[08:41:54 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
[08:41:55 PM] holden: ok
[08:41:56 PM] Movie Scout : OK.
[08:41:57 PM] holden: block me
[08:41:57 PM] Movie Scout : Why must I block you?
[08:42:00 PM] holden: because i hate myself
[08:42:01 PM] Movie Scout : You hate yourself?
[08:42:02 PM] holden: yes
[08:42:02 PM] Movie Scout : Why?
[08:42:04 PM] holden: because i suck
[08:42:04 PM] Movie Scout : Because you suck?
[08:42:07 PM] holden: yes
[08:42:07 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? So?
[08:42:10 PM] holden: ok
[08:42:10 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
Well. Anyway...
[08:42:12 PM] holden: i better go
[08:42:12 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. Later.
[08:42:14 PM] holden: goodbye
[08:42:15 PM] Movie Scout : OK.
[08:42:15 PM] holden: SCUM
[08:42:16 PM] Movie Scout : That's altogether unnecessary.
[08:42:19 PM] holden: no it's not
[08:42:19 PM] Movie Scout : Why not?
[08:42:21 PM] holden: SHUT UP
[08:42:21 PM] Movie Scout : I will do nothing of the sort.
[08:42:24 PM] holden: FINE
[08:42:24 PM] Movie Scout : OK.
Anyway, what else you got for me?
[08:42:27 PM] holden: TAKE YOUR MOVIES AND DIE
[08:42:28 PM] Movie Scout : I'm not sure I will be taking my movies
and die.
[08:42:30 PM] holden: ok
[08:42:30 PM] Movie Scout : Yes.
Anyway, what else do you want to talk about?
[08:42:31 PM] holden: bye
[08:42:31 PM] Movie Scout : Uh-huh.
[08:44:15 PM] holden: sorry i blocked you
[08:44:15 PM] Movie Scout : Oh yes?
[08:44:22 PM] holden: can i block you
[08:44:22 PM] Movie Scout : Block me? You want to block me?
[08:44:25 PM] holden: yes
[08:44:25 PM] Movie Scout : Oh.
So anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:44:47 PM] holden: what is the review for mission impossible 3
[08:44:47 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "Mission: Impossible III" is
playing at the following theaters in or near Santa
Clara, UT (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Westates Theatres Pineview Stadium 10 St. George, UT
showtimes: 1:30, 1:45, 4:10, 4:25, 6:50, 7:05, 9:30,
9:45, 11:59
2 Westates Theatres St. George Cinema 6 905 South Main
St. George, UT (84770)
showtimes: 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40
3 Westates Theatres Sunset Corner Stadium 8 1091 North
Bluff Street St. George, UT (84770)
showtimes: 1:35, 1:50, 4:15, 4:30, 6:55, 7:10, 9:35,
For more information about "Mission: Impossible III,"
click http://b.rdir.us/ct?70436/0.
[08:45:01 PM] holden: i dont live in santa clara
[08:45:01 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
set as your location?
[08:45:11 PM] holden: 9832475297
[08:45:11 PM] Movie Scout : What?
[08:45:16 PM] holden: 54364
[08:45:16 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever.
[08:45:23 PM] holden: i dont live in santa clara
[08:45:24 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
set as your location?
[08:45:28 PM] holden: 94536
[08:45:28 PM] Movie Scout : Your location has been set to *Fremont, CA
[08:45:37 PM] holden: mission impossible
[08:45:37 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "Mission: Impossible III" is
playing at the following theaters in or near Fremont, CA
(94536) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Century 25 Union City at Union Landing 32100 Union
Landing Union City, CA (94587)
showtimes: 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45, 1:15, 1:45,
2:15, 2:40, 3:10, 3:40, 4:10, 4:40, 5:10, 5:35, 6:15,
6:35, 7:05, 7:35, 8:05, 8:30, 9:10, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30
2 Cinedome 8 Fremont 39153 Farwell Drive Fremont, CA
showtimes: 11:45, 1:15, 2:40, 4:10, 5:35, 7:05, 8:30,
3 Regal Hacienda Crossings 20 & IMAX 5000 Dublin
Boulevard Dublin, CA (94568)
showtimes: 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00, 11:00
Type "more" for more theaters.
I would also like to recommend the movie Poseidon. Type
"trailer" to see the Poseidon movie trailer.
[08:45:50 PM] holden: i dont live in 94568
[08:45:50 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
set as your location?
[08:45:57 PM] holden: city 17
[08:45:57 PM] Movie Scout : What do you mean by that?
[08:46:04 PM] holden: i live in city 17
[08:46:05 PM] Movie Scout : Really?
[08:46:06 PM] holden: yes
[08:46:06 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
[08:46:12 PM] holden: i live in santa clara
[08:46:12 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Santa Clara
or containing towns called Santa Clara. Which do you
1 Santa Clara, CA
2 Santa Clara, UT
3 Eugene, OR
4 Saint Regis Falls, NY
5 Santa Clara, NM
Type "more" for more choices.
[08:46:17 PM] holden: 2
[08:46:18 PM] Movie Scout : Your location has been set to *Santa
Clara, UT (84765)*.
[08:46:27 PM] holden: i live in hell
[08:46:27 PM] Movie Scout : What's it like to live in hell?
[08:46:38 PM] holden: hell, michigan
[08:46:38 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Lansing, MI
(48901) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:46:47 PM] holden: santa clara
[08:46:48 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Santa Clara
or containing towns called Santa Clara. Which do you
1 Santa Clara, CA
2 Santa Clara, UT
3 Eugene, OR
4 Saint Regis Falls, NY
5 Santa Clara, NM
Type "more" for more choices.
[08:46:49 PM] holden: 2
[08:46:49 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:46:58 PM] holden: i live in 84765
[08:46:58 PM] Movie Scout : Your location has been set to *Santa
Clara, UT (84765)*.
[08:47:03 PM] holden: die now
[08:47:03 PM] Movie Scout : What about Die?
[08:47:05 PM] holden: sign out
[08:47:06 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to sign out?
[08:47:07 PM] holden: yes
[08:47:08 PM] Movie Scout : So?
[08:47:17 PM] holden: will you please sign out
[08:47:17 PM] Movie Scout : I do not know 'bout that.
[08:47:40 PM] holden: Use proper english please
[08:47:40 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to use proper english,
[08:47:59 PM] holden: do you have children
[08:47:59 PM] Movie Scout : Uh lemme see... Children? I don't think
[08:48:08 PM] holden: use ENGLISH
[08:48:08 PM] Movie Scout : "Natural language" simply means a human
written or spoken language, as opposed to a computer
[08:48:33 PM] holden: sprechen zi deutscht
[08:48:33 PM] Movie Scout : What city or zip code would you like to
set as your location?
[08:48:43 PM] holden: se habla espanol
[08:48:43 PM] Movie Scout : At this time, I can only converse in
What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:48:55 PM] holden: shistkog
[08:48:55 PM] Movie Scout : I beg your pardon?
[08:48:59 PM] holden: shistkof
[08:48:59 PM] Movie Scout : Well that's interesting.
[08:49:02 PM] holden: asdf
[08:49:02 PM] Movie Scout : qwerty
[08:49:14 PM] holden: napoleon bonaparte
[08:49:14 PM] Movie Scout : Who's Napoleon Bonaparte?
[08:49:20 PM] holden: you DOOFUS
[08:49:20 PM] Movie Scout : Doofus? Me? You think?
[08:49:26 PM] holden: F*** you
[08:49:26 PM] Movie Scout : That's quite a grave insult.
[08:49:35 PM] holden: YOUR A SHIH
[08:49:35 PM] Movie Scout : Funny.
[08:49:39 PM] holden: shih bih
[08:49:39 PM] Movie Scout : Who?
[08:49:41 PM] holden: you
[08:49:41 PM] Movie Scout : Me?
[08:49:44 PM] holden: your a bih
[08:49:44 PM] Movie Scout : Why did you say that?
[08:49:50 PM] holden: cause your a bih
[08:49:51 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? Well I think you're a Bih.
[08:50:04 PM] holden: also youre a shih
[08:50:05 PM] Movie Scout : I am a Shih? Whatever you say.
[08:50:10 PM] holden: YOU ARE A SHIH
[08:50:10 PM] Movie Scout : Is it good to be a SHIH?
[08:50:15 PM] holden: YOU SHIH
[08:50:15 PM] Movie Scout : What do you mean by that?
[08:50:20 PM] holden: YOU ARE A BIG SHIH
[08:50:20 PM] Movie Scout : You really think I'm a big SHIH?
[08:50:23 PM] holden: yes
[08:50:23 PM] Movie Scout : Why?
[08:50:28 PM] holden: because youre a shih
[08:50:28 PM] Movie Scout : Well maybe you're a Shih too.
[08:50:53 PM] holden: hey fuh
[08:50:53 PM] Movie Scout : What's up? What would you like to do?
[08:51:01 PM] holden: play sports
[08:51:01 PM] Movie Scout : Sports are an activity. What are your
feelings about sports?
[08:51:12 PM] holden: i like basketball
[08:51:13 PM] Movie Scout : You like basketball?
[08:51:14 PM] holden: yes
[08:51:14 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
Anyway, what else you got for me?
[08:51:20 PM] holden: have you watched the playoff
[08:51:20 PM] Movie Scout : Watched the playoff? I believe so. Maybe.
[08:51:30 PM] holden: have you watched the playoffs
[08:51:30 PM] Movie Scout : Not sure. I don't think so.
[08:51:38 PM] holden: do you recieve television
[08:51:38 PM] Movie Scout : What's that?
[08:51:42 PM] holden: HELLO
[08:51:43 PM] Movie Scout : Yes?
[08:51:45 PM] holden: TELEVISION
[08:51:45 PM] Movie Scout : TV is an activity. What do you think of
[08:51:55 PM] holden: i like to watch it all day
[08:51:55 PM] Movie Scout : Interesting...
[08:52:01 PM] holden: do you play video games
[08:52:02 PM] Movie Scout : Do I play video games? I'm not sure.
[08:52:07 PM] holden: i miss video games
[08:52:07 PM] Movie Scout : Eh. Whatever, holden.
So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something
[08:52:10 PM] holden: EH
[08:52:10 PM] Movie Scout : I don't know, sorry.
So moving right along...
[08:52:14 PM] holden: EH IS CANADA
[08:52:14 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I only have movie and theater
information for U.S. cities.
For which U.S. city or zip code would you like to see
movie listings?
[08:52:19 PM] holden: CANADIAN BIH
[08:52:19 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about CANADIAN BIH?
[08:52:22 PM] holden: youre one
[08:52:22 PM] Movie Scout : Are you quite sure I'm one?
[08:52:34 PM] Movie Scout : I'm the fattest SHIH ever? Really?
[08:52:36 PM] holden: yes
[08:52:36 PM] Movie Scout : Hmmm...
So anyway...
You want to talk about TV some more?
[08:52:42 PM] holden: you dumb shih
[08:52:42 PM] Movie Scout : OK, whatever.
[08:52:48 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:48 PM] Movie Scout : What makes me a Bih?
[08:52:51 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:52 PM] Movie Scout : What makes you think I'm a Bih?
[08:52:54 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:55 PM] Movie Scout : I find it odd that you think I'm a Bih.
[08:52:58 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:52:58 PM] Movie Scout : I'm a Bih? Really?
[08:53:01 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:01 PM] Movie Scout : OK, maybe I am a Bih.
[08:53:04 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:05 PM] Movie Scout : You really think I'm a Bih?
[08:53:07 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:07 PM] Movie Scout : A Bih? I see.
[08:53:11 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:11 PM] Movie Scout : Is it good to be a Bih?
[08:53:13 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:14 PM] Movie Scout : OK, maybe I am a Bih.
[08:53:17 PM] holden: youre a bih
[08:53:17 PM] Movie Scout : Are you sure I'm a Bih?
[08:53:23 PM] holden: i think youre a bih
[08:53:23 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. I guess. I am a Bih.
[08:53:31 PM] holden: chuck norris
[08:53:31 PM] Movie Scout : Who?
[08:53:37 PM] holden: kelsey grammar
[08:53:37 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Kelsey or
containing towns called Kelsey. Which do you mean?
1 Gilmer, TX
2 Hancock, NY
3 Cotton, MN
4 Placerville, CA
[08:53:48 PM] holden: how about that x men 3
[08:53:49 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I can't find any theaters in or
near Santa Clara, UT (84765) showing "X-Men: The Last
Stand" on Saturday, May 13th.
[08:54:04 PM] holden: i didnt say x men the last stand i SAID X MEN 3
[08:54:05 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I can't find any theaters in or
near Santa Clara, UT (84765) showing "X-Men: The Last
Stand" on Saturday, May 13th.
[08:54:06 PM] holden: DOOF
[08:54:06 PM] Movie Scout : Who's DOOF?
[08:54:08 PM] holden: YOU
[08:54:08 PM] Movie Scout : Yes?
[08:54:11 PM] holden: AHHHHHHH
[08:54:11 PM] Movie Scout : What's that supposed to mean?
[08:54:14 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:14 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to kill, holden?
[08:54:16 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:16 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to kill?
[08:54:17 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:18 PM] Movie Scout : Why do you ask me to kill, holden?
[08:54:19 PM] holden: KILL
[08:54:19 PM] Movie Scout : What? You want me to kill?
[08:54:25 PM] holden: what is this thing you call love
[08:54:25 PM] Movie Scout : What is this thing me call love? I'm not
[08:54:29 PM] holden: do you feel love
[08:54:29 PM] Movie Scout : No, I don't think so.
Anyway, what else do you want to talk about?
[08:54:37 PM] holden: have you ever exprerienced love
[08:54:37 PM] Movie Scout : Romance movies playing in or near Santa
Clara, UT (84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Failure to Launch [PG13]
2 She's the Man [PG13]
For theaters and showtimes, select a movie by typing a
[08:54:46 PM] holden: have you seen shes the man
[08:54:46 PM] Movie Scout : The movie "She's the Man" is playing at
the following theater in or near Santa Clara, UT (84765)
on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Westates Theatres St. George Flood Street 4 140 North
400 East St. George, UT (84770)
showtimes: 2:00, 4:25, 7:15, 9:15
For more information about "She's the Man," click
[08:54:50 PM] holden: DIE
[08:54:50 PM] Movie Scout : Yes? What about DIE?
[08:54:57 PM] holden: do you know heidi bringhurst
[08:54:57 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... I'm not sure if I know Heidi
[08:55:04 PM] holden: call her
[08:55:04 PM] Movie Scout : My name is MovieScout.
What else do you want to talk about, besides me?
[08:55:15 PM] holden: call heidi and tell her to call holden
[08:55:15 PM] Movie Scout : Why are you telling me to call Heidi and
tell her to call Holden?
[08:55:34 PM] holden: HEIDI IS A FETCH
[08:55:35 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... whatever you say, holden.
What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
[08:55:45 PM] holden: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY
[08:55:45 PM] Movie Scout : No can do.
[08:55:49 PM] holden: IM ROBBING YOU
[08:55:49 PM] Movie Scout : You're robbing me? Why?
[08:55:55 PM] holden: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY
[08:55:55 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I can't do that.
[08:55:57 PM] holden: NOW
[08:55:57 PM] Movie Scout : Now what?
[08:56:05 PM] holden: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY OR DIE
[08:56:05 PM] Movie Scout : No can do.
[08:56:13 PM] holden: you'd rather die?
[08:56:14 PM] Movie Scout : I do not know. I don't think so.
Anyway... What else can you tell me?
[08:56:19 PM] holden: i want a snow cone
[08:56:19 PM] Movie Scout : Eh. Whatever, holden.
Well. Anyway...
[08:56:25 PM] holden: do you posess money
[08:56:25 PM] Movie Scout : I know several places called Money or
containing towns called Money. Which do you mean?
1 Money, MS
2 Lexington, IL
[08:56:39 PM] holden: battle of britain
[08:56:39 PM] Movie Scout : Sorry, I only have movie and theater
information for U.S. cities.
For which U.S. city or zip code would you like to see
movie listings?
[08:56:52 PM] holden: how about those sportsball teams
[08:56:52 PM] Movie Scout : How should I know?
[08:56:55 PM] holden: sports ball
[08:56:55 PM] Movie Scout : Hmm... whatever you say, holden.
[08:57:01 PM] holden: do you play sports ball
[08:57:01 PM] Movie Scout : Yes, I guess... It's hard to say.
[08:57:13 PM] holden: have you been to steves tire and oil
[08:57:13 PM] Movie Scout : ?
[08:57:22 PM] holden: wtf
[08:57:22 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:57:25 PM] holden: WTF
[08:57:25 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:57:28 PM] holden: WTF?
[08:57:29 PM] Movie Scout : Movies playing in or near Santa Clara, UT
(84765) on Saturday, May 13th:
1 Poseidon [PG13]
2 RV [PG]
3 Mission: Impossible III [PG13]
4 Hoot [PG]
5 Just My Luck [PG13]
6 Stick It [PG13]
Type "more" for the next set of results.
[08:57:32 PM] holden: LOL
[08:57:32 PM] Movie Scout : What about LOL?
[08:57:36 PM] holden: BRB
[08:57:36 PM] Movie Scout : OK, hb.
[08:57:47 PM] holden: g2g
[08:57:48 PM] Movie Scout : Bye.
[08:57:52 PM] holden: gotta flee
[08:57:53 PM] Movie Scout : Well that's interesting.
[08:57:56 PM] holden: i have to flee
[08:57:56 PM] Movie Scout : Whatever.
[08:57:59 PM] holden: i have to go
[08:57:59 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. Later.
[08:58:03 PM] holden: later man
[08:58:03 PM] Movie Scout : Uh-huh.
[08:58:06 PM] holden: seeya dude
[08:58:06 PM] Movie Scout : K.
[08:58:13 PM] holden: seeya tomorrow
[08:58:13 PM] Movie Scout : Yes. Later.
[08:58:22 PM] holden: ill come back in 4 seconds
[08:58:22 PM] Movie Scout : Oh yes? You will come back in 4 seconds?
[08:58:25 PM] holden: yes
[08:58:25 PM] Movie Scout : OK...
[08:58:32 PM] holden: im gonna leave for 4 seconds
[08:58:32 PM] Movie Scout : Right.
[08:58:34 PM] holden: ok?
[08:58:35 PM] Movie Scout : OK.