I am sitting at my in-laws' house in Salem, Utah. The basement is extremely cold. I've been wearing the same American Eagle orange hoodie for about the past three days. Fortunately, I'm a rather good-smelling person by nature, so I have no problem wearing some clothing for extended periods of time. It's December 22nd. It's my brother Nick's birthday. He got married last week. Good for him and marriage. Way for everyone to get married.
I went to the University Mall today. I walked from end to end about 5 times looking for my brother in law Spencer, thinking he had been dropped off, but actually, he hadn't. My thigh hurts from walking. It might help if I wore shoes that weren't slippers. The "Oro Gold" lady, one of those salespeople that sits at the center of the mall and tries to beleaguer everyone that walks by, approached me as I was walking and asked, "Can I ask you a question?" I rejected her quite unhesitantly, which is unusual for me because I usually give everyone a chance, even that guy that came to my house a few weeks ago and tried to sell me magical cleaning solution. I HATE salespeople at the mall. VEHEMENTLY. And I rarely use that word. I once bought Dead Sea Soap on my mission at a mall because I couldn't ever turn down people. And the stuff did NOTHING but scratch my face. Since then, I avoid mall salespeople like the black death.
We went to costco. It was neat. They had lots of samples. They also had this HUGE anatomy book. It was neat. But I already have like, three anatomy books, so get out of here. I notice that human anatomy books seem to be getting bigger and bigger.
Like I said, it's cold in the basement. Emily had surgery. She's laying on the couch incapacitated. Or sleeping. I dunno. I have a sister-in-law that thinks she's way more righteous than everyone else, but that's old news. I have a younger sister-in-law who wears the same kind of glasses as Emily. She's kind of a mini-Emily. There's three other sibling-in-laws who are all goofy but all extremely intelligent.
It's cold here. There's snow everywhere. I don't think I ever want to live here.
Oh, Merry Christmas.